How to add color to pluschies
Master class on painting / toning faux fur for teddy bear.
Full course on the creation of cats you can find on my schop
Video on tinting fabrics with artificial pile. Full video is on my YouTube
👉Given: artificial white fur, popularly referred to as German plush.
👉Task: toning long pile with oil paints.
👉Solution: toothbrush, oil paints diluted to the consistency of low-fat sour cream.
🚀 Actions: 1. Remove paint from the brush as much as possible (rub against a plastic plate, not paper, with paper, the consumption is more, it absorbs).
2. Apply to wool. The brush moves along and against wool.
3. Spots are removed immediately with a cloth or napkin. Or in a few days with a solvent.
4. You can find a complete master class for creating a cat and other courses in my etsi with a 20% discount (link in profile) or here.
5. Draw the thin parts with a thin brush.
6. Drying time of oil paints is 2-7 days.
7. What pile I do not paint with oil, look on my YouTube in the full version😉 .
8. Like me for that my husband and I spent on recording, processing and voice acting 8 hours😅 .